After a reasonably productive start yesterday dissolved into me getting pretty much nothing done - I was up reasonably early and got around to doing some bits and peices. Popped into the supermarket and sorted out my dinner, bumped into Tom on my way back to the house and he gave me a lift, he was going up to central London and asked if I wanted a trip out.
Ended up having a bit of a wander around the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street and had a couple of drinks at a bar there whilst reading the paper, Toms next stop was Harrods (where I had never been) so we both went down there and had a posh ice cream and looked at the expensive booze, All very civilised.
Ended up having a bit of a wander around the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street and had a couple of drinks at a bar there whilst reading the paper, Toms next stop was Harrods (where I had never been) so we both went down there and had a posh ice cream and looked at the expensive booze, All very civilised.
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