Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007

If You've Lost Your Faith In Love and Music...

So after a long, miserable, stressful, tiring and otherwise supremely awful week the weekend has looked up lots. This is mostly due to it involving things rather than people:

Thing Number 1) I read a really rather marvelous book this weekend, it is called Arthur and George by Julian Barnes, its not one I'd recommend to everyone but it is a marvellously well researched and written novel.

Thing Number 2) I went up to London last night to see the Film Pan's Labyrinth I'd heard very good things about the film and it resolutely didn't dissapoint - It is a stunning piece of work, a beautiful fairy-tale on some massive themes.

Thing Number 3) NEW MUSIC. I've been seriously remiss in listening to new songs of late, so i've picked up records by The View, The Rifles, Bromhead's Jacket and Larrikin Love - so far they're all pretty damn spiffy and have picked me up no end.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It makes you wonder...

Where i am presently working the office is divided into three large banks of desks, on one is the people who handle payments for private/individual clients, one has the Corporate (including yours truely) and Regular payments desks and the middle one has the people who answer the phones.

On the far wall we have a large Flat-Screen television that shows the NBC financial channel all day long, lots of Americans waffling about oil prices, takeovers and the like - Today all the US finiancial markets are closed due to a National Day of Mourning and this is being mentioned quite frequently as you would perhaps expect.

One of the girls stared quite intently at this for some moments before expressing her surprise that the Americans would have a day of mourning for Saddam Hussain.

I quite understand someone not knowing who Gerald Ford was, him not being the most well known of US Presidents - but good lord, have a think....