Right, I have decided to actually update this in order to keep track of my "progress" (or lack thereof) in finding a Job following a move back down south. I am also trying to kick the junk food / fizzy drink habits and It can't hurt to keep a note of my spectacular failure on that part :-).
So. Day 1, I managed (with the assistance of the lovely and highly professional
Ms Buckley - whose services I can heartily recommend to all people in all circumstances) to update my
CV and get it looking a little more presentable. I then had a wander into town to look at the various recruitment agencies and see what they had in store.
Slough seems to have a number of different agencies, but they all have the common problem of not being terribly friendly to people who are actually looking for work, the trend seems to be to push you toward their various websites, as such I think that approach may well be the way forward. Not quite sure what that'll be just yet mind you....
The being healthy is going fractionally better - aside from a bottle of sprite in town yesterday Its been all orange juice and green tea on the beverage front and not a takeaway in sight, more pasta and sandwiches (chorizo and cheese no less), so far so good as it were.
Its quite nice to be back around these parts, and everyone has been very friendly and so on, I'm still a little nervous about being able to get myself sorted out and into accomodation, but my supposition is that this is fairly normal. We shall see anyway.