Monday, October 30, 2006


So, the regular updating thing didn't go wholly according to plan. However by popular demand (sorry Heather) I'm told that I ought to be letting people know how things are.

I'm still not working anyplace other than the theatre - they've been great and I've pretty much been able to have all the shifts I can cope with, and this is at least keeping my head above water.

Nothing ever came of the interview with the insurance people and I've registered with another temp agency and they've put me forward to another (deeply thrilling) sounding admin job. I've also asked them to find me any temp bookings they can as that will at least be a better income.

The accommodation situation has resolved itself in a slightly unconventional manner. To start with I was expecting to need to go find a bedsit or similar. However the people who I'm staying with have asked one of the people in the house to leave (not my fault I can assure you) and as such I can stay here.

Other than that I've not been up to a great deal, but I'm sure things will pick up sooner or later.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

DAY 6/7/8

Saturday was quite, well, odd. I went to work at the Theatre (2 shows) for the first time in a little while to be faced with a show called Dancing Queen. An ABBA tribute thingies, I was as such expecting a Karaoke version and ABBA. This was not quite what I got. The show appeared to be mostly an excuse to get a large amount (of I do have to admit, awesomely lovely) Dancing Girls wearing as few clothes as possible. They got through around 15 Costume changes (including Sparkly Leordards, Lingerie, Sailor Suits and all sorts of other bizzare bits and pieces) it was all very curious.

Sunday was a bit of a nothing day, read the paper watched the grand prix and ate bacon sandwiches.

On monday I had an interview and tests at a recruitment agency in town, seemed to quite well and they've got me an interview with an insurance company in Windsor on Wednesday...

Monday, October 02, 2006

DAY 5 - Friday

Better day today. A Couple of recruitment agencies got back to me and I've set up an appointement to register properly on Monday.

They all seemed quite enthuasic, and suggested they can get me a job with more money without too much bother (although I'm sure that its thier job to say things like that)